Research and Campaigns
Undertaking research and campaigning to improve policies and practices that affect people’s lives is one of the twin aims of Citizens Advice and has always been a high priority for our service.
From the problems our clients bring to us and the stories they tell us, we see where services are failing and where people are being treated unfairly. We identify the underlying causes, illustrate the impact on individuals and suggest changes which will make things better. We use all this to persuade local policy-makers to shape local policies to suit local people. By sharing these stories with the Citizens Advice Research and Campaigns team, we are also helping to bring about change nationally.
We have well-established relationships with Havering’s constituency MPs, local councillors and the Department for Work and Pensions and we work closely with housing associations, our voluntary sector partners and other local charities to improve the effectiveness of their services for the benefit of Havering’s residents.
The collective Citizens Advice voice is empowering to our clients and supporters – when people’s voices need to be heard, we come together to campaign for change.